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Media Release

India Retailer Magazine

Retail Revamping SCM Strategies

The Economics Times

Etailers like Flipkart, Amazon Start Preparing for Diwali Shipments in Advance

Millennium Post

India’s leading multi-modal logistics and supply chain service providing company, Om Logistics Ltd. Inaugurated its new state-of-the-art warehouse in Narsapura, Bangalore

Nai India

Om Group Inaugurated a new state-of-the-art warehouse in Narsapura

Country & Politics Online

Om Group Inaugurated a new state-of-the-art warehouse in Narsapura

Top Story

Om Group launches new warehouse in Bangalore

The Dollar Magazine, Online

Om Group launches new warehouse in Bangalore

News PR

Om Group’s another hallmark, Inaugurated a new state-of-the-art warehouse in Narsapura, Bangalore

Universal Newsline

Om Group Inaugurates a new state-of-the-art warehouse in Narsapura, Bangalore

Briefing Wire

Om Group’s another hallmark: Inaugurated a new state-of-the-art warehouse in Narsapura, Bangalore

Media Release
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